Sunday, December 6, 2009


Nestled into the corner beside the towering shelves of entertainment and ontop of a heavy box of food storage covered in festive wrapping, sits our two foot Christmas tree. It's not large or overbearing because that is the purpose of everything else we own - even our outside lighted reindeer looms over it (this reindeer also decorates our living room). The tree only represents a small portion of our Christmas spirit, but it brightens it with its lighting. This is the second season Zane and I have decorated this edifice with red and gold bulbs, small figurines purchased from a quarter machine, and a Santa tree-topper. To us, this Tanenbaum captures some of the earliest memories together and will forever hold its position as our first Christmas tree.



  1. I thought you had a small tree. This one looks about five feet tall to me. I especially like the Santa tree topper. You guys are awesome. Kevin

  2. Hello Olivia and Zane...

    I think your tree is very nice..and wow...that turtle is a genius!! Hope you are both doing great and feeling great.

  3. I like it. :)

    Hey! I didn't know you guys were expecting! Congrats! When are you due?

  4. Hey guys!! Olivia you probably don't know me yet but I'm Zane's cousin, Jenny. Congrats on your baby! And Zane, I loved the turtle trick! :)
