Monday, March 25, 2013

Changes: the constancy of life

Our house is just full of growing up and getting old! 

We have a new addition at our house three days of the week.  Handsome Peyton is my brother's baby boy!  Mark and Angie both work and need occasional help watching the little man - yes please!  So the kids and I have a blast keeping our eye on the little man.  Peyton is really a very sweet baby and much more mild-mannered than my two munchkins. 

Peyton is really getting big fast!
 In addition to the addition, Zack has decided eating isn't fun unless he is in control.  I have a hard time watching him spill food all over my (carpeted) dining room floor, but it becomes a starve-off otherwise.  So when yogurt is demanded (really, demanded, I don't volunteer it up with meals anymore because of the carpet) I have to hide while Zack has his way with the thickened dairy product.  The carpet will go eventually, but I do want it presentable for at least another year... *sigh.

Zack and his yogurt.

Delli eating yogurt too.

We are still trying to figure out what fix-up we should do around the house this year: trees, crawl space, flooring, built ins, etc.  We are having difficulty, but we think our crawl space may need the first improvement having been neglected.  We'll see.  

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